Canadian Adventure and Lifestyle Photographer
If you’ve ever climbed out of a cold tent early in the morning and found your fire still hot enough with a few embers to re-light, you know how urgent it is to get some fuel on it and get it burning again. The same goes for the things you forgot you were passionate about. Life can derail your focus or take you away from the lifestyle you enjoyed. Maybe it’s a new partner, kids or simply a significant life […]
A friend of mine asked to see a few photos I took while on a recent vacation to Mexico so I kindly obliged her. Not long after, I got a reply stating that she was delighted by my original photos and loved to analyze why they were pleasing to her. This is quite a compliment, not only for me but for her as well. These “shots” were just quick snaps I took to remember the things we experienced on our […]
I am a part of a small kayak club that gathers on Saturday nights in the off-season at the local pool. The white-water paddle season here is very short so as the weather cools and the snows fall, we move indoors from November to April. One part social and the other part is simply getting some seat time and building new skills. This is important for paddlers who want to be just a little more than “recreational”. New skills are […]
Some might say “Age” can creep up on you but if you ask me, it seems to have jumped out from a dark corner and pummeled me with a large wooden bat. Every morning, I slowly sit up in bed and take stock of the parts that radiate dull pain, I limp to the kitchen to grab my coffee and Turmeric Tea (that my amazing “naturalist” partner makes) to reduce the swelling. While at work the Boss and I give […]
If the Portrait is the “important” work that I do then the Lifestyle portion is the “fun”. Standing in a river with my camera so I can get a different point of view, tied to the back of a wake-surf boat, or mounting cameras on a motorcycle are just a few of the fun things I have had to do in the last 20 years. Capturing the action or the lifestyle of a subject involves meeting the technical challenges of […]
Working with cool people is cool, it’s that simple. But the portrait is what is important. The portrait is important for the simple reason that it represents who the person was at the time, and that representation can not lie. The portrait must give some insight into the person’s character, their personality, and who they believe they represent at the time. If the photographer can’t extract these qualities or facets of their subject before they press the shutter, then those […]
Do you like stories? Do you find it interesting to follow the lives of people (these days on Social Media) or talk about the cool things you saw someone do over the weekend? What about you? What is it you do for fun, hobby or recreation when you have time? Or is your job so amazing because you have figured out how to turn your way to make a living into a lifestyle? Whether it is a job or lifestyle […]
Welcome to the new blog, along with the new website and some fresh work. A new chapter is rolling ahead in my life and my work so it seems fitting to bring the website and my portfolio with it. With that movement comes a little momentum and an opportunity to clean things up and start becoming more efficient. Sometimes efficiency means it may be time to cut-out a lot of things that just no longer pertain to the work, or […]